Friday, February 24, 2012


First of all , Happy 2012 to all 5 of my readers!

I am slightly ashamed when I realize that this is my first entry of the year.  Christmas came and went without much to-do or ta-daa.  The New Year came in quietly as well.  I think everyone in my circle was feeling a bit burned out , overwhelmed and tired.

So the Boyfriend and I boarded a plane on the 7th of February and blasted off to Cuba for two weeks.

Return home to blue sky , clean crisp air.  Fly over those beautiful mountains , slate colored with a smattering of white.  It's true Dorothy , there's no place like home.

So,  I started to unpack my suitcase and sort ,too many articles of clothing.  I looked at my washing machine with all of it's miraculous cycles , piled high with clean folded towels .  I stood in my kitchen peering longingly into an empty fridge....I found myself feeling extremely grateful.  Grateful for all the things that are usually the source of low level stress and sometimes borderline insanity .  It then occurred to me that I actually felt....good.... rejuvenated even....and no night-shift hangover.....

Is it possible that there is a feeling of excitement about getting back to work and moving forward ?  Is that a spark of creativity?  Hmmmm.

This was the view from our balcony.  Yes , the pool was nice and the ocean beyond was the most magnificant turquoise , just like everyone says it is ,and that was all fine and good , very much like any other all- inclusive resort anywhere.  What I enjoyed the most was the bus trip we took to Santa Clara. A one and a half hour ride through the countryside where one is confronted with a small glimpse into the real Cuba.

Suddenly , we are sharing the narrow road with every sort of mode of transportation imaginable ,( being in the transportation industry myself , this was quite an eye-opener ).

The air-conditioned bus from China we were on shared the road with people on foot , people on bikes and proud cowboys in western duds riding high in the saddle with nicely crafted leather saddles and harnesses.

Old trucks from the 1950's and horse drawn carts with car tires , taking a young family into town .

Station wagon loaded with happy riders , waving at us as they raced by.

Peddle-carts , old buses and a car like the first one my Dad had when when he first came to Canada.

A much simpler life that part of me envied.  Much slower ,none of the superfluous technology and consumerism that has become so normal to us here.  I think that people in Cuba are basically content but I felt   always that there was this  feeling of unrest , there is change in the air and it is palpable.

Most homes are small and simple , some had there doors open and I could peek inside to see a clean floor and a small table with a lace tablecloth.
No place like home.....

I am glad I got a glimpse.
We loved the people there.
We met some new friends.
Heck , the drizzle ain't so bad either.